6 Oct 2013

Our Land

Andrew & I had been thinking about building since late 2009, early 2010. We had found a quiet block of land in a tiny hamlet, close to where we are now. We were excited by the incredibly cheap price of the block and found what we thought was the perfect plan for that block. As it turned out there were way too many issues that we weren't comfortable with - no town sewerage, no internet, five huge gum trees that needed to be removed, and it was further for Andrew to get to work than where we currently live....

We became disheartened when we started to look around, and our only other options close to that price range included a block that had an almost vertical slope, blocks that were covered in trees, and even a block that was almost directly under a huge overhead power-line tower, and you could hear buzzing loudly as soon as you stepped out of the car.

Fast forward to early 2011, and we were driving around with one of our friends when we spotted a lovely block, and our friend urged us to make an offer. So we did. It was rejected, so we decided to jump online and see what else was available in that area. That is when we came across our block, which we purchased in February 2011.

It is a great big block. It's approximately 20m x 40m, and we were to discover later on during our dealings with Coral (and the survey report), that we only had a 20cm fall from the back to the front. We were ecstatic.

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